The USQRA has scheduled their Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2020 to happen June 6th at 1 pm Eastern/12 pm Central/10 am Pacific.
The AGM was originally scheduled to coincide with the now-cancelled USQRA National Championship Tournament. This will be the first time the organization has held the meeting completely virtual in its history.
The AGM is a vital event for the organization, as it serves as the only time in the year where the full voting body of the league can alter the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws. The assumption is the meeting will be held on a conferencing app, like Zoom, but at the time of writing, no information has been released. Also to be determined, is whether non-voting participants will be able to listen in. Previous meeting attendance has been mostly closed to non-AGM-participants, so it is to be seen whether having the meeting virtually will loosen those requirements.
Up for vote this year’s AGM are 16 proposals, some of which could drastically alter the way the sport is played, and how teams qualify for post season tournaments. For game related issues, some of the proposals look to change how post season tournaments function, the ranking system used to qualify for postseason, classification, and how some…personal issues…are handled on the sidelines. Looking at organization-focused topics, proposals include adding an Executive Director to the USQRA, and several looking to increase the President’s role.
In addition to voting on proposals, the AGM also serves as the venue for electing new board members to the USQRA. Each year, half of the board is up for vote, and this year’s elections are for President, 1st Vice President, and Secretary. Those candidates are below
President – Noah Currier
1st Vice President – Dr. Michael Cottingham (Incumbent)
Secretary – Michael Klonowski (Incumbent)
As per many of the recent years, the elections will be straightforward as there seem to be no competitions for the positions.
The full details about what will be happening can be found at https://www.usqra.org/agm, and watch our social media channels for updates on how to listen to the AGM (if it gets released).
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Don't forget to share this article for your wheelchair rugby starved friends, who are also bored at home right now.